Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Reviewer's Guide

There are lots of mystery shopping company lists out there, but my site is all about reviews. Please keep in mind that I share my own experiences and perspectives; yours may be different, so I encourage you to leave a comment to share your thoughts.

Here's a handy guide for more information about how to read my reviews:

The Overall Rating of the mystery shopping company or scheduling company is intended to give you an overall idea of how well I perceive the company. I also read quite a bit and am sensitive to other shoppers' opinions, too; companies that are widely known for having payment problems, even though I may not have had those problems personally, will get a ding on their grade, for example.

An A+ would be a company that's nearly universally regarded as top of the line in every possible way and that shoppers would step over each other to work for. C would be average -- essentially middle of the line, it's comparable to the 'industry standard' in most ways. A company that rates a D is below average and doesn't have any high points to make up for it; an F would be one that I would never recommend, is a scam, or doesn't follow up on its commitments to pay.

Number of jobs/clients: When possible, I try to get a gauge of the overall number of jobs available in multiple areas. However, everyone's experience will be slightly different. I simply want to give an impression of what to expect for the 'average' shopper.

The type of jobs will be listed in general terms, except for companies where the client or the mystery shopping company is open about their relationship.

The rate of pay will vary, of course, depending on the type and complexity of the shop. However, I give an overall rating in order to point out the exceptional companies; ones that are well known for paying well, or not paying well.

The speed and method of payment will be listed or described when possible. Some companies wait way too long to compensate their shoppers, and I think that they should be accountable. Companies that pay rapidly should be supported.

If bonuses are offered is indicated by a simply "yes" or "no".


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