Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sensors Quality Management (SQM)

Sensors Quality Management, Inc. (SQM)

Overall Rating: B+
  • Number of jobs/clients: Average (many shops, few clients)
  • Type of jobs: Restaurant, retail, miscellaneous
  • Rate of pay: Average, reimbursements offered
  • Speed and method of payment: Check or direct deposit, 4-8 weeks
  • Bonuses offered?: None known

SQM benefits from a website which makes it easy to check for all shops in your state, then drill down for each particular town. The schedulers I have dealt with have been friendly and flexible. They are also flexible with receipts: fax, scan, or mail methods are all accepted, and one major client does not require a receipt at all.

The report cards SQM provides are often very helpful with correcting errors or offering suggestions, though they do not have a real "grading" system. They also have a STEP training system; the tests are difficult, but the process, while recommended, is largely optional.

SQM also has questions on its form to allow spots to indicate anywhere the form did not work or where the multiple-choice options were not appropriate. This is a welcome addition!


You must invoice SQM online each month, though they have made it an easy process. Make sure to sign up for direct deposit as checks by mail are charged a fee. Pay is only processed the last week of the month following the shop, but SQM does pay reliably and without fuss.


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