Friday, November 10, 2006

Corporate Risk Solutions

Corporate Risk Solutions

Overall Rating: A-
  • Number of jobs/clients: Below average
  • Type of jobs: Retail / service evaluations, miscellaneous
  • Rate of pay: Above average, reimbursements offered
  • Speed and method of payment: PayPal, 2-5 weeks
  • Bonuses offered?: None known

Corporate Risk Solutions is a well-established, small mystery shopping company. Their fees are above average, they offer different and innovative shops. They pay promptly and reliably (generally on the 10th of the following month) by PayPal. The schedulers I have dealt with have been friendly and helpful.

Overall, this is one of the companies that is just a pleasure to work for, and I have heard few complaints about them.


Sadly, there are not many clients currently working with Corporate Risk Solutions, so shops are often few and far between. Also, some shops have been offered that require shoppers to give out personal information so that companies will check your credit, causing inquiries which can hurt your credit score. Being able to have a workaround for this would be welcome, but until then, you can still take some of their other shops.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been some inconsistancies with their shops I have taken. In one instance (I still work for them due to above average pay) their contract offered a bonus that they chose not to pay. This was disturbing that they chose to not pay it, but even more than that it was painful trying to get Kendra to acknowldege the problem. She obviously felt painted in to a corner, but refused to come clean with the error. I would say verify bonuses before completing the shop, but they can be a decent MSP with which to work.

8:04 PM  

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