Sunday, December 18, 2005


Overall Rating: A

  • Number of jobs/clients: High
  • Type of jobs: Varied, including retail and convenience
  • Rate of pay: Average
  • Speed and method of payment: PayPal, 2-6 weeks
  • Bonuses offered?: Yes
  • Software: SASSIE

Intellishop is good about communicating with shoppers when jobs are available. They use the SASSIE job board option, as well as e-mail notifications. They also are responsive to phone calls and to e-mail, and the schedulers are pleasant. Editors give meaningful feedback about their ratings, including specific things to improve on next time, without being too harsh or rating too poorly.

Fortunately, Intellishop is a job board site that tends to have a lot of activity. Shops are posted plentifully and often. However, it's a popular site, so check back frequently before other shoppers snag up all of the good ones! I've also received bonused shops from Intellishop, presumably when a shopper can't complete the shop, and the bonuses are quite fair for the short deadlines. The normal pay isn't spectacular, but it's certainly competitive within the industry.


If you're a casual shopper, you probably will dislike Intellishop, simply because shops are posted and scheduled so quickly. Be prepared to see some shops pop up and down on the board fast enough that you may not have a chance to respond to your e-mail unless you check it very often!


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